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Save Kids Japan http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/ 竹野内真理の公開質問Mari Takenouchi's open questions http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/ 竹野内真理ファイルhttp://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/ おかしな人々 http://fukushimaworkerslist.blogspot.jp/ 竹野内真理エッセイhttp://takenouchimariessay.blogspot.jp/
Dr. Bandazhevsky's paper in Eng&Jpn https://bandazhevskypaper.blogspot.com/


Song dedicated to Prime Minister Abe 安倍首相に捧げる歌

April 11 2015, updated 4月11日更新
In the middest of Abe regime's dangerous control over Japanese politics, I would like to dedicate this song with English and French subtitles!

"I Dreamed a Dream" Fukushima Version
By Mari Takenouchi, 47

 English with French subtitles



I sang the above song out of my sincerest hope to save kids in contaminated areas and to spread the horrible situation in Japan regarding nuclear and earthquake...  I saw Ms. Susan Boyle's video when I was pregnant and I was greatly moved to tears.  Coincidently, she sang this song at the age of 47, which is my age, too!  I am not a good singer like her, but the French translator told me that he was moved to tears by seeing me acting out of my sincere heart to save children.

I Dreamed a Dream 子どもだけは避難させて
(2nd version)
Save Kids Japan 子供は避難させて
In an earthquake country地震国日本に
Nuke plants were built all over原発が建てられた
By Yomiuri and CIA中曽根さんと読売に
LDP and Nakasone 自民党とCIAに
Now I am shocked and afraid 2006年国会で
Nuclear plants were restarted 安倍首相は聞かれた
Without solid safety  津波で原発大丈夫か
Politicians are after the money only ダイジョブと答えた
But the earthquake came in March 11年に地震は来た
Causing meltdown in Fukushima 福島原発メルトダウン
Spread a lot of radiation 放射能の大拡散
People got expoooooosed 子供は被曝したあああ
Now kids are sick in Japan 甲状腺がん増加した
But they cannot evacuate でも避難もできない
Media's hiding the truth メディアは嘘だらけ
No thyroid cancer news is covered 白血病も出てきてるよ
Please save children at least 7q11検査して
They're getting sick and weak by radiation甲状腺の原因わかるよ
They're getting sick and weak 政府は検査して
Please save kids at least 子どもだけは避難させて

In India, there is a beautiful custom where a birthday person gives small gifts (such as candies) to other people...I think that is a very beautiful custom.

Therefore, I am dedicating my son and my songs to you. (Though we are not good singers...)


Before my songs, let me give you information about myself, Fukushima children, and a murder by a nuclear lobby in Japan which took place on this day of January 12, 1996.

Mari Takenouchi's Hashimoto's Disease and Anti-nuke activities balance

Another one is a petition to evacuate Fukushima kids and pregnant women.

Evacuate kids and pregnant women!

Sign 6 language petition!



 English petition:http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/to-government-of-japan-and-citizens-of-the-world-please-evacuate-fukushima-kids-and-pregnant-women?lang=en-GB&utm_content=buffer11073

日本語署名 Japanesehttp://www.change.org/ja/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3/to-government-of-japan-and-citizens-of-the-world-please-evacuate-fukushima-kids-and-pregnant-women?utm_content=buffer11073&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Also, please do remember Mr. Nishimura who was probably killed on this day of January 12 in 1996 by nuclear village judging from his deep body temperature...


I went to Karaoke with my beloved 5 year old son on New Year's Day.  (We often go there...we are Karaoke lovers...)


Our costumes are "Jibanyan, the cat ghost," who saved his master's life by being run over by a truck.  My son loves this story and this animation cartoon program is currently most popular in Japan... 



I think this program will be popular soon not only in Japan but in the world.

次はアナと雪(Frozen)のLet It Goより 
(福島の子供たちのための替え歌はこちらです!→http://maritakenouchiyoutube.blogspot.jp/2014/08/let-it-go.html 今回は替え歌にしていません)

The next song is Let It Go in the movie Frozen.  We are singing original version here, but  I sang this song with altered Fukushima kids version in the URL below.

Next one is Kary Pamyu Pamyu who may be the most popular Japanese singer now...as a 47 year old mom, I am getting out of breath...

Next song is my son's favorite "Sing" by Carpenters

Next one is a Japanese song, "Woman."

The following video and page shows me with glasses giving lecture at Okinawa University in November 2014.
(Thank you so much, Okinawa University for letting me talk what I wanted to talk!!)
After I gave a lecture in Tohoku (North East Japan) in 2011, I had a horrible corneitis on one eye and could not open it for 3 days.  Since then, my eyesight got drastically worse and I am wearing glasses like below.  Some people say that I look terribly old...(tears)


Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone passed the nuclear budget at the Diet in 1954, when anti-nuclear movement was mounting after the Lucky Dragon Bikini H-bomb case, "  Under the slogan, "Poison can control other poison" recommended by Shibata, a surbordinate of Shoriki who was the president of Yomiuri and Nippon TV, nuclear power was promoted in Japan.
This is a historical fact that CIA involvement has been proven.


On September 5, 2011, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, he stated the above in spite of the fact that he was the very person who introduced nuclear power to earthquake prone country like Japan.



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